Eliza Jane Howell (hitherto also referred to as ‘the company’) operates an ethical policy with regard to the use of photographic images and video throughout this website.
The ‘Collections’ images and the majority of the other photographs and videos used in this website have been commissioned by Eliza Jane Howell and are the property of the company. Copyright and all associated rights belong to Eliza Jane Howell.
Where additional imagery has been used, the relevant permissions have been sought. Copyright and all associated rights belong to Eliza Jane Howell and/or the photographer/owner of the image.
Eliza Jane Howell makes every effort to credit the photographer and to attribute images to the correct source but if you are aware of any discrepancies please contact us and we will respond as quickly as possible. In the event that we have inadvertently infringed on an individual’s or company’s copyright by using images which we believed we had permission to use, (and this could happen for example where a magazine editor provides permission to use images that have appeared in their publication, but in fact didn’t have the photographer’s, agency’s or primary copyright holder’s permission); then, we would ask the copyright holder to notify us of the infringement in writing and we will take the offending image or images down immediately. The company pledges to take down any offending image or images within 48 hours of receiving a take down notice (also known as a ‘cease & desist’ letter).
Any errors of this kind on our part, do not, in UK law amount to flagrant misuse or abuse of copyright. And since the company operates an ethical policy with regard to image sourcing and attribution, (as defined by this policy), and makes every effort to abide by international copyright law, Eliza Jane Howell will vigorously defend any attempt to bring claims for retro-active licence fees and/or damages against it. In short, if an error has been made, it was made unintentionally and in the event of this happening, the company would expect the ‘injured’ party to recognise this and accept that any infringement is not intentional, malicious or for profit.
We respect the rights of photographer’s and copyright holders. We ask you do the same. Without limitation, copying, re-publication, distribution or any other use of the images on this website is strictly forbidden without the express written permission of the copyright holder and Eliza Jane Howell. The only exception to this is the linesheet which is available to registered stockists as a PDF download. The linesheet can be printed and made available for internal use. It is strictly not for publication, distribution, sharing, sale or commercial reproduction.
Additional stock photography, (as and where used), has been acquired lawfully. It is also rights-protected and the copyright is retained by the author of the image.
Our image attribution policy, which is strictly enforced, is for your protection and ours.